Swalecliffe St Johns

St John's Parish Church
Swalecliffe with Chestfield
For those who would like to give

We know that some people like to make a donation each week via the collection. Did you know there are also many other ways to donate to St John's?
Your bequests, legacies, stewardships and our many fund-raising activities allow us to continue to support our community but we really need your help to carry this work on.
If you able to give more at this time there are a number of ways you can make a gift to us. The best way is to join a planned giving scheme. This can be done by:
Setting up a regular Standing Order from your bank/building society which is then paid directly into St John's account. Forms are available at the back of the church, in St John's Centre and from our Treasurer. You can also download a form to print out below. If you are a UK tax-payer you can Gift Aid your donation. Gift Aid will allow St John's to benefit from a further 25% addition to the amount you choose to give.
Considering including a Legacy in your Will? Click below to view our Legacy Booklet. If you need more information please feel free to email our Treasurer at swalecliffestjohns@gmail.com or use the Contact Form below.
Joining a Give-As-You-Earn Scheme. Many employers allow you to give directly through your earnings via payroll-giving. If you would like to donate in this way please contact our Treasurer at swalecliffestjohns@gmail.com or by using the Contact Form below.
Donating via the Collection Bag. For visitors or those who cannot commit to regular giving, a collection bag is passed around during services
Considering Postal Giving if you cannot get to the church or St John's Centre for any reason. If you prefer to give this way you can send cheques for the attention of The Treasurer to St John's Centre, 11 St John's Road, Swalecliffe, Whitstable, Kent CT5 2QU.
Making a quick and safe Online Donation by debit or credit card using our secure Give A Little system below. You can choose to make a one-off or regular donation and can select the campaign you wish to donate to.
Donating via your smartphone. If you have a QR Code reader app on your phone, you can scan our QR codes to make a safe and secure donation. (If not these are easy to download from the App Store on your phone). Again, you are able to choose which campaign you would like to donate to and whether to make a single or regular donation. Click below to view the codes.